Thursday, January 7, 2021

It's Time To Listen to One Another

I know a lot of people are having strong feelings right now. I don't post or discuss political things on social media most of the time. I try really hard to avoid it. Mostly because I just feel like those  conversations, for me- are better had in person. Face to face where you can see the other person's eyes and really hear their heart. And maybe even hug when its over. Because I am not under the impression that we should all agree. Only that we should all listen to one another.

 2020 was the year of no one listening to anyone else and it seems that 2021 may somehow be even worse. I love all of you. Yes, REALLY, even if I don't know you, (more on that some other time). But I am seeing some things being said right now on social media that some  friendships may never recover from. I think a lot of people will wake up tomorrow and have a lot less contacts. I think thats the point. I think thats the entire goal- it's what the enemy wants.

 Who is the enemy? Satan. Satan is the enemy. Yeah I know half of you are rolling your eyes. Thats cool, go ahead. But its still what I believe and I believe it with my whole heart. We need less division and more listening. More conversations and less rants. I know this is basically a rant and that makes me a hypocrite. I'm ok with that too I guess. Lol. Its not really though... To be fair, I am not angry. I am sad. I am so sad. Everything feels yucky right now. 

I have a feeling I will be praying myself to sleep tonight. I do that a lot, so thats a good thing. If you are distraught by all of the current circumstances too, I recommend you try it. Really, just give it a shot. You have nothing to lose. In other news, I am diffusing the heck outta this combo- Stress Away and Tangerine. I need it. I have never been more grateful for my essential oils than in the past year.

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