Wednesday, February 10, 2021


I was telling a friend today that I haven't posted on social media recently, despite really wanting to, for a lot of reasons. Mostly it has been because we havent done anything interesting thanks to Covid and the cold weather. But also, because either the house is messy or Maddie, my 4 yr old, is wearing only underwear and I can't share the pictures. My kid hates clothes. She stays dressed the entire time we are out of the house, but takes them off the second we walk in the door usually. I have stopped fighting it for now. The rule is that the underwear must stay on. And sometimes I can get her to keep on a shirt. For the record, Maddie is and always has been, a sensory kid. 

She told me that I needed to get over myself and start sharing my life again because no one cares if my house is messy in the background, and I can cover up the naked kid with stickers. So I am. From now on, you will be getting a messier, but also more authentic version of us. I guess I worried that people would judge us. Now I have accepted that people will judge us and have decided that it will not influence what I share. I am not private by nature- I actually tend to overshare. The phrase TMI was probably coined because of me. 😉. But I also tend to be over cautious on social media to try and avoid exactly that. 

It's exhausting and then anxiety kicks in and I end up not sharing at all. I'm so over it. I'm tired of worrying if I post too many pictures of my kids or dogs, or essential oils (too bad- that kind of sums up my entire life), or worrying if anyone will care what I post, (why does it even matter?!), or if it is tmi, or if my pictures are not pretty or entertaining enough. Welcome to Sarah unfiltered. But with actual filters on the pics because you know... they are pretty. 😂🤣...

Pic probably no one wants to see #1: a pic of my feet because I tried some new yoga poses today and wanted to document it. And I have dog hair and fuzz on my pants. Lol. Not at all actually interesting- but this is my real life.

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