Friday, March 25, 2022

Go Play In The Dirt

Maddie is often wearing frilly dresses and sparkly shoes- and they are just as often covered in layers of dirt. That might bother some, but I find it to be part of her charm. My kids love to play in the dirt. Together they hunt for worms (Hailey refuses to touch them, so it is Maddie's job to rehome them far away), and rocks and other treasures. It makes my mama heart so very happy because they actually get along and cooperate when they do. Also, it is so great for them!

Did you know that kiddos playing in dirt can literally make them healthier? According to many studies, including Neuroscience News,
"Kids who play in dirt face exposure to germs and parasites that can help reduce risks of suffering certain allergies and illnesses later in life. Early microbial exposures help our bodies to learn how to regulate inflammation..." I call that a win!

Fun random side note. I spent over an hour trying to put up a little decorative fence tonprotect my garden. Duck, my dog always waits until the plants are big and thriving and then she digs them up. She crushes my heart into tiny little pieces each time it happens. This year, that won't be the case if I can help it.

It took me over an hour just to get a few of the parts in the ground because my yard is apparantly pure gravel after about half an inch down. Gee thanks construction workers who built my house. Guess you didn't care that it would take major effort to literally put anything in the ground at all... UGH. The rocks are so tightly packed and there are so many of them that even digging them out, is quite a tedious chore. So frustrating! Good thing it's not actually time to plant anything yet! I have my work cut out for me for sure.

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