Thursday, May 6, 2021


I know I am supposed to be sharing beach pictures but I am overwhelmed by the sheer amount of them that I keep putting it off! So today you get my current situation.

I have no idea how to "garden". No one taught me anything about flowers or plants (or anything else for that matter but that's a very different conversation). I love plants and flowers to my core despite my lack of education about them, so I am slowly and painfully figuring it out on my own. If I could keep them alive my house would have plants everywhere. So far I only have a few hardy ones that put up with me. My hubby Chris built me a plant shelf for my kitchen window that I really need to share but I keep forgetting. 

I have never ever planted flowers before. I am allergic to bees (and I have a fear of failure), so I just never tried it. I absolutely love hydrangeas and I actually had a dream about them the other day. I couldn't stop thinking about them, so I decided to ask for some for mothers day. We were at Lowes the other day and I got to go ahead and pick them out. I have no idea if there is something else I am supposed to do besides water them? I know that when dead parts appear you pick or cut them off. Any other tips for me?

I planted some flower seeds around the yard too but who knows if anything will come of that. I don't know anything about planting seeds either 😂🤣.

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