Wednesday, May 12, 2021


In lieu of a birthday party this year, we decided to celebrate me turning 40 with a much needed family trip to the beach! I am super excited, the beach is my happy place and I don't get to go anywhere near often enough. I have never been to this area of FL before so it was a special treat! I have been telling people I was "almost 40" for years now so I am super happy to finally actually BE 40. 40 is gonna be awesome! I finally had time to sort through some of my beach pictures so here's a few of them. The pictures of crabs are per the request of my son Alex. He loves finding things like that and spent a lot of time exploring. I think they look a little too much like spiders. Navarre Beach was my favorite beach that I have ever been to in the US. It's so peaceful, and it has the longest pier in Florida! We walked that thing so many times, both in the daytime and night time because it's amazing! My friend Delilah and I saw a hammerhead shark and SO many dolphins. The dolphins were playing literally like 20 feet RIGHT behind my husband Chris and our daughter Maddie as they collected seashells on the beach. The dolphins were SO close to the shore! Hearing and feeling the waves shake the pier underneath you at night is quite the experience. I want to live there and spend every day just staring out at the ocean. The night before we left, Lila and I sat on the beach in Destin and watched the sunset. Because we both love it so much. Everyone else chose to go back and hang out with Price and Stacey who were so kind to let us stay with them at their home. It was a bit chilly sitting there as th sun went down but we kept our toes in the sand anyway and bundled up. Because when you are the beach, how can you not? We got to see three different weddings take place, and see lanterns being set off over the ocean. It was kind of perfect.

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